

All deadlines will be shown using United States Central Time, standard or daylight savings time whichever is in effect at that time followed by the GMT equivalent. ; The next deadline will be shown on the bottom of the report. ; That deadline will show both the date and time.

Orders RECEIVED by me after the deadline but BEFORE I adjudication will be considered valid. ; It won't be unusual for me to prepare for the adjudication minutes before the deadline and make a confirmation pass shortly after the deadline. ; So, don't count on that BEFORE to give you any extra time. ; It is much better to supply preliminary orders and change them before the deadline.  I will do my best to keep deadlines as regular as possible during these times.  They will not be set for less than a week for movement turns.

(No Move Received, No Builds Received and No Retreats/Removals Received)

If a deadline is missed I will make every effort to get that player's orders.  I will attempt this for up to 48 hours after the deadline (2 Game Days).  If I still cannot contact that player, his country will be adjudicated in CIVIL DISORDER.  Should the same player miss a deadline a second time his country will be placed in CIVIL DISORDER for that turn and the adjudication will take place (I will also apply this rule during GM conflicted periods - GM's Life).  Twice IN A ROW or if it is the third offence the player will be ejected.  I will not count NBR and NRR as a NMR, the player will simply receive the penalty provided in the rules.

Should a player be ejected for non-submission of orders or resign, I will either place the country in Civil Disorder or Replace the player (See replacements).  I place a country in Civil Disorder only 1) if it has one or two pieces remaining AND 2) if it does not appear to have a deciding role in the outcome of the game.  The abandoning player of a country placed in Civil Disorder can reclaim the position (even if that player was ejected).

NMR Amendment 1/19/2001

The below modifies the above items addressed.  Other elements remain in effect.

First NMR, a 24 hour extension will be provided.  The 24 hour extension will apply to all players, regardless of any other players NMR record.

Second and subsequent NMRs, the turn will be adjudicated immediately except as noted above.  The player will be requested to submit preliminary orders for the "next" movement turn within 48 hours of the published adjustment report.  If no adjustment report is needed than from the published report.  Failure to submit these orders will result in a replacement being sought.


If a replacement is needed the new player will be given three game days to submit orders for the turn missed and all players will be allowed to modify their orders as needed.  If it is an adjustment period, the new player will be required to submit adjustments to claim the position.

Replacement Amendment 1/19/2001

The below modifies the above as stated.  Other elements remain in effect.

If a replacement comes forward when sought the position will be awarded to them.  They will be given a minimum of three game days to submit orders.  In the absence of a replacement the previous player will be allowed to continue to play and the game will be adjudicated on the published deadline.  If a player resigns the same replacement rule will apply.


Ask for them!  I have a life outside diplomacy and so do you.  I may not always grant them, but that is rare.  I ask that you consider the other players right to an uninterrupted game when you make your request because Diplomacy is also a part of your life.  Use preliminary orders whenever possible.  I prefer them to NMRs.  I also expect to receive requests for work related situations and vacations.  I consider that kind of thing normal.  I will limit all requests for extensions to three per player.


This game will be run with Separate Seasons with Spring and Fall orders due weekly, except as otherwise noted.  Adjustments will be due 24 hours (1 game day) after the Spring or Fall turn.  Should I set a weekend (Friday, Saturday or Sunday) deadline for Spring or Fall orders.  Adjustments will be due on Monday.  Hence, Game days are generally, Monday through Friday.  Adjustments will consist of 1) retreats 2) builds and disbands.  Failure to submit adjustments will necessitate the need to use CD rules for retreats and disbands.  If you want to make any builds or disbands conditional on retreats that take place you may.


Yes.  Any color you like.  Send it direct, or send it through me for inclusion in the report.   Press presented as coming from the GM will not be published.  Since, this game takes place in Middle Earth it would add to the game to have press related to struggles in that fantasy land.


If you have any fears, write out your orders in full.  I will be liberal with abbreviation interpretation, but use care that they are not ambiguous.  Take note:  Several places do start their names the same way.  Caution:  Don't get cute at the expense of creating GM confusion over your orders.  I will not be making assumptions regarding your orders.  If they have more than one meaning given the current board position the piece will hold.  Whatever you submit I will change to my format as part of putting the report together, unless its ambiguous or unknown, like:  A Rom-Hobbit Town, in which case it will be included in the report.  I will be using a standardized set of abbreviations in the report.  The map section I plan to show using my abbreviations and using full names.  A complete list of my abbreviations can be found here.  You are not required to use my abbreviations to submit orders.  I recommend that you be consistant about your use of abbreviations.


I do not require coastal designations for the orders providing support to pieces moving to a province with a coast.  Should you supply them in your support order, they will be ignored and the order will be considered valid (i.e. A Gre S For-Blu(nc), F For-Blu(sc)).  The (nc) will be stripped in the report and the support will be considered valid!  Army Grey Havens can’t decide to give or not give support to For based on the destination coast.


All rivers are navigable canels like Kiel in regular diplomacy.  This allows all countries to build fleets.  As long a river is adjacent to a home supply center a fleet can be built at that location.  You may move the fleet from space by space along the river or cross the river to a space on the the opposite shore.  The rivers do not prevent armies from crossing them.  Fleets may not convoy on coastal spaces, be it a coastal river space or a Coastal Sea space.  All other rules apply.


The first step I take when putting the results section of the report together is I strip out all unneeded items like Country Identifiers used to show support for another country's action, and the convoying of another Country's piece.  Hence, I don't look at Country identifiers or Piece Type to determine an orders validity and ambiguity.  I consider tactics like using the wrong country identifier to invalidate an order an assault on the GM and not the player you are attempting to mislead.  Since they are not needed to determine validity I simply don't use them.  I prefer you to specify the type of piece being ordered.  But, I don't rule your order automatically invalid without it.


I will be using the CIVIL DISORDER rules when I am faced with making removal decisions.  The farthest unit will be removed first.  If more than one unit is the same distance, than the fleet will be removed first.  If more than one fleet or army are the same distance away, than the first in alphabetical order by full name will be removed (including supply centers).  I simply count the spaces between the nearest home center and the candidates for removal.  Home centers in this case will be defined as the starting locations at the beginning of the game.


Please use preliminary orders for every move.  It prevents NMR problems and last minute emergencies.  I expect you to be responsible to adhering to the deadlines without reminders.  That does not mean I won't send out reminders, just don't count on them (you will see very few).  I will attempt to keep deadlines as regular as possible.


When submitting orders, it is very helpful to place in the subject line (a) the game number, (b) the country name, and (c) the season.  This information should also appear as the first line in the body of the message.  I will be using the game number as a mail filter to process your orders.  I will confirm all orders I receive, generally within 24 hours of receipt.  If you don't receive a confirmation by the deadline, resend the orders again!  Keep your confirmation until after the report is published.  I keep the confirmation sent to you and your orders and use both to confirm submission as necessary.  If you send on the deadline, the report may be your confirmation.


The rhythm of the game is important.  A game that has consistent deadlines that are meant like clockwork makes everyone feel better.  Thus, I don't like the game to drag trying to locate a replacement of a minor power in the game.  Four ways of improving the GAME PACE is to include adjustments with your movement orders (British Style), marking your orders *FINAL*, not NMRing and planning to stick the game out to the end regardless of a losing position.  By marking your orders *FINAL* you agree that I may use that set, should I have orders marked *FINAL* from all players before the deadline.  This can serve to accelerate the game.  If you value the extra time don't mark them *FINAL* and I will wait for the deadline.  You may change that status up until I adjudicate by notifying me.


If you want to know if a move is possible, just ask.  Naturally, I won't help with strategy or tactics as that could unfairly influence the game.  If you provide a set up with moves, I'll use it.   Otherwise, I will use a set up illustrating what I think you want elsewhere on the board.  Note:  Please do not CC me on any of your correspondence with other players, though some GMs love it.  Its really unfair to you should we ever find ourselves in a game together.  If you want to send me comments, that is entirely up to you.  I will keep them private.


A game can be ended by unanimous vote.  The game may be ended as DIAS (Draw Includes All Survivors) or an outright Win for a sole power.  If a player has an a majority of the center type win, that win takes precedence over all other end game proposals.  I believe in this game that is 18 centers.  If several proposals pass at the same time, they all fail.  The rule on voting will be NMR=NO, NVR=NO, and CD=YES.  All players are expected to play to win!


Part of the game requires you know where you can retreat.  Hence, when retreats are required, I will not be telling you where you can and cannot retreat.  If you request guidance in this area you will receive guidance in how to apply the rules and not information on where you can retreat.


My life gets complicated from time to time because I participate in Community Theater for my enjoyment and I have a very active teenager heavily involved in the performing arts.  When this happens deadlines may be moved to the weekend or you might find a longer than usual deadline.  The week before a play opens is often the most conflicted.  I will do mybest to keep deadlines as regular as possible during these times.  They will not be set for less than a week.  Should a period of this type arise during the game you will be notified in the GM notes or by E-Mail of the situation.


Some feel that DIAS forces them to take out their best ally at the end the game or to convince others of their merit to be included in the game.  I hold long-term survivals and eliminations in high esteem and something to be proud of even if you must be knocked out of the game for it to end.  Its that very necessity of having to knock such a player out to end the game that can often turn the tide of an otherwise stale game.

I recommend that you write everyone in the game, especially, during its early stages.  You may wish you had later.  Play the game for enjoyment.  Make new friends, not allies.  Allies tend to take game play more seriously and stabs more personally, while friends understand that stabs are part of the game.  Therefore, don't take a stab or lie personally, but develop friendships that go beyond the game.  Good luck to all and have loads of fun.